It's Been a Minute

Well, its fall and life is finally calming down. Somehow, completely unplanned, I ended up with a fairly busy summer that seems to just have flown straight past me. I remember wishing summer would be over fast while I was in the midst of it, but looking back now I can't figure out where it's gone. I spent the majority of my summer reading, listening to podcasts, getting comfortable at my new job and settling into my new home. On top of that I ended up joining my brother in his coffee catering endeavors and really enjoyed getting to work with Lucid Coffee Catering at various weddings in the area. I've really been enjoying my job and am grateful daily for the opportunity to be in an environment I love, doing work that I care about and having management that cares about my success. I still can't believe that God granted me such a gift; after hearing from many people about their experiences, I'm realizing how special what I have is and that's it's...