
Our poor blog was totally abandoned during the summer! Sorry dear readers. I promise all four of us were living life to the fullest and our memories are all warmly treasured in our hearts. It’s been on my mind for the last week to share with you a powerful reminder God spoke to me recently. Last Wednesday, a group of 16 women from our church, moms and daughters, flew out to Indianapolis for the True Woman 2016 conference. Although my mom couldn’t make it, my sister Anna and I were able to go and have a spiritually refreshing, good sister bonding time. The theme of the conference was “Cry Out”, focusing on our personal relationship with God and our faith in His plan for our lives, our futures, our church and our country. We live in such a time when there is a need to not just pray to God but Cry Out on behalf of ourselves, our families, the nation and the world. One specific truth that touched my heart most was the f...