
This week Sabir and I returned from our vacation in Mexico. It was different than I expected but it was still phenomenal! One thing that really stood out to us was how kind and genuine people were there; we were both very encouraged to start showing the same kindness to those around us. We went on a sunset cruise, snorkeled, and spent a lot of time lounging by the pool and in a hammock under the palm tree on our patio. One amazing thing that I realized as we were spending out last few days there and getting ready to come was how extremely amazing it was that this is the life I get to return to. I really started thinking about how little I think about the fact that I live a life of immense privilege and very rarely realize that and have very little gratitude for it. Most people hate leaving a vacation destination, but this time I was so happy to return to my amazing life, even though my vacation was a blast. So thankful for every blessing. Here is our visual documentation of our v...