
Showing posts from 2016


This week Sabir and I returned from our vacation in Mexico. It was different than I expected but it was still phenomenal! One thing that really stood out to us was how kind and genuine people were there; we were both very encouraged to start showing the same kindness to those around us. We went on a sunset cruise, snorkeled, and spent a lot of time lounging by the pool and in a hammock under the palm tree on our patio. One amazing thing that I realized as we were spending out last few days there and getting ready to come was how extremely amazing it was that this is the life I get to return to. I really started thinking about how little I think about the fact that I live a life of immense privilege and very rarely realize that and have very little gratitude for it. Most people hate leaving a vacation destination, but this time I was so happy to return to my amazing life, even though my vacation was a blast. So thankful for every blessing. Here is our visual documentation of our v


Our poor blog was totally abandoned during the summer!   Sorry dear readers.   I promise all four of us were living life to the fullest and our memories are all warmly treasured in our hearts.   It’s been on my mind for the last week to share with you a powerful reminder God spoke to me recently.   Last Wednesday, a group of 16 women from our church, moms and daughters, flew out to Indianapolis for the True Woman 2016 conference.   Although my mom couldn’t make it, my sister Anna and I were able to go and have a spiritually refreshing, good sister bonding time.    The theme of the conference was “Cry Out”, focusing on our personal relationship with God and our faith in His plan for our lives, our futures, our church and our country.   We live in such a time when there is a need to not just pray to God but Cry Out on behalf of ourselves, our families, the nation and the world.   One specific truth that touched my heart most was the fact that God wants us to Cry Out to Him and

Thai date

The girls and I got delicious Thai food and had it by Fort Vancouver yesterday evening enjoying the beautiful sunshine and nature around us. 😊❤️

Last weekend

Let the blog live again!   Ha, can you tell we’re all busy finishing the school year, working and enjoying life?      Last weekend my family and I went up to Spokane to celebrate my cousin getting married and we all had a great family time.   I got off night shift Friday morning and we hit the road.   I tried to sleep through part of the drive and each time I would open my eyes we would be in a different part of the state; it was neat to see the scenery change every time.   Our car ride consisted mostly of singing old Russian hymns, eating sunflower seeds and talking about our best family memories.  The weather on the wedding day was totally unpredictable.   It started sprinkling during the outdoor ceremony and as soon as the couple said their “I do’s” the sun came out!   Family time is so precious, especially when we get to share the joy of a new family being created.   Here’s a few pictures from our trip.   My cousins (not all made it into the picture) and I decided to stan

Slow down

Easter came and left in the blink of an eye and it's been on my mind a lot that if I don't make the time to think about the true meaning of the celebration, the busyness of this world will drown what is important.  So many things compete for my mind, so many voices telling me what to think and it's spiritually vital to break away from routine of things and pray for God to help me see Him clearer.  I understand that I can put in my own effort to trying to focus on what's right but until God comes in with His peace, my heart won't fully appreciate His work for me.  "Lead me to the cross".  Jesus thank you for delivering me from myself and giving me the freedom to live a life. Here's an awesome song that I think fits the occasion well. "Your blood bought and makes us children Children, drop your chains and sing"


Just wanted to take a moment to appreciate these two wonderful sisters I have who celebrated their birthdays last week.   My life is flooded with amazing memories and I am grateful…May you continue growing in God, serving your families and making a difference in this world.

February Favorites

❤️❤️February is my favorite(because it's my birthday month)-joking. But, it definitely was a great and memorable month! So thankful for another month filled with new memories and adventures!  1. Hanging out with Vadim and Tanya in Tacoma 2. Visiting relatives  3. Celebrating Valentine's Day event at church with other couples  4. Celebrating my 22nd in Victoria, Canada with my loved ones❤️❤️